Useful Websites Part 2

Top 5 websites that I have bookmarked over the years 

Category: Educational

Hello, Readers! Welcome back to DS Archives. Hope you are all doing great! 

In the series of "Useful Website" (check part 1 here), Today I'll tell you the top 7 websites that I have collected which have been a great help. These websites fall under the educational category so if you are a student then this will help you a lot.   

So, without further wait, let's just jump right into them. (click on the title of the website to open it in a new tab). Explore these websites and if you want a little go-through then I will upload a video based on this blog post so make sure to subscribe to my channel.

5. arXiv

arXiv is a community of volunteer authors, readers, moderators, advisory board members, supporting members, donors, and third-party collaborators that are supported by staff at Cornell University.

arXiv is a free distribution service and an open-access archive for 1,891,879 scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv. You can download free pdf material on the topic of your choice.

To know more click here

4. Electronic Notes 

Are you an Electronics Student? If yes, then this website can be a great help to you for covering different concepts in that field. 

Electronics Notes aims to provide accessible summaries, information, and notes covering many electronics topics including electronics concepts, components, radio technology, manufacturing & constructional techniques, telecommunications & connectivity (mobile & wired), antenna technology & much more for those involved in electronics, radio, telecommunications, and the associated industries.

Electronics Notes is written and run by Ian Poole.

3. Machine Learning Plus

If you like the world of AI, Machine Learning, NLP, or Data Science, this website will give you a nice platform to get started. 

Machine Learning Plus is an educational resource for those seeking knowledge where you will find quality articles that clearly explain the concepts, math, with working code and practical examples. This is built by keeping in mind Beginners, Python, R, and Julia developers, Statisticians, and seasoned Data Scientists.

The website's motto is: "No boring theory. Or never-ending technical specs. Just simple guides with clear examples."

To know more about this click here.

2. Uni Rank 

If you are going abroad for studies then this website can help you with getting a good amount of information about your university.  

uniRank is the leading international higher education directory and search engine featuring reviews and rankings of over 13,800 officially recognized Universities and Colleges in 200 countries.

To get an idea about how much information you can get for a university click here as an example. 

1. Read the Docs

Read The Docs deserves the first position for its neat and clean way of documnetation. I personally use it lots of time.

Go to this page to know more about them in their own simplistic words.  


Here is the list of all the websites mentioned above for easy navigation:

1. Read the Docs

2. Uni Rank 

3. Machine Learning Plus

4. Electronic Notes 

5. arXiv

Hopefully, some of these websites may have touched your interest. Let me know in the comment section which are your favorite websites, that you think, can fall into this category. Also, don't forget to share this. It will help a lot!

Thanks for reading! See you in the next blog. Good bye! 
