The First Draft


Hey, there! Welcome to my blog channel. My name is Darshan Shah. I am a 22 years old Software Developer working at a startup in India. At the time of writing this, I am also an aspirant for a Master's degree in Computer Science. I also have a YouTube channel which is called DS Archives where I post Tutorials related to the things that I learn during my Software Developer Job. (Make sure to like and share if you think my content can be helpful to someone someday). Besides job and YT, I wanted to also explore blogging and documenting. Hence, here I am, writing my First Draft and naming it the same.

More about me: click here :)

Why am I starting this blog channel?

There are plenty of reasons for me or for anyone to start blogging or documenting things they like. But I will tell you 2 main reasons why I have decided to begin this journey.

1. To improve articulation skills

Now when I say improve, I also mean to learn. Since I am not an expert at articulating my ideas whether it is to someone or to myself. I think the continuous practice of blogging will help me practice this skill of communication. While I am writing this paragraph, there are tons of thoughts going through my mind from which I am selecting a few of them and typing only the necessary ones. This sounds very simple but it is something that needs persistence. And to achieve that level of persistence, I am hoping this habit could help me.

2. To document thoughts in a more accessible way

"document, don't create"

This is a famous quote by Gary Vaynerchuk. It simply means that instead of trying to create something just document that event such that it won't feel like "doing work". If you enjoy doing it then there will be no issue finding content around you. So, the prime aim is to keep documenting my thoughts and ideas so that they are easily available to not only me but to people who will find them helpful.

What inspired me?

I was not ready until I came across this YouTuber, Ali Abdaal. He talked about the importance of blogging in one of his videos and he did it so well that I realized how much time I could have put into this instead of wasting it on unnecessary things. I will attach that video to this blog so maybe you can also make use of it. 

Check out his other videos as well. They are useful and full of great insights and knowledge!

After realizing about the idea of writing blogs, I instantaneously started to come up with great ideas which I can implement into blogging, for example, Creating written documentation of my YouTube Videos, eradicate the fear of putting myself out in the world, and most importantly connecting with people with similar interests. 

What will be the content/Topic of my Blog post?

Imagine the number of thoughts that come to your mind per day. Imagine the number of interactions you make every day. Imagine the number of experiences you have in a day. Uncountable, right? This fact has allowed me to figure out various kinds of topics that I will share with you in the upcoming days. It will include Tutorials, How-To, important resources, recommendations, etc. Basically, there won't be a fixed topic or genre. The only constant will be my attempt to give you good content. I will keep getting suggestions from my audience (currently 0 :P). for my blog topics. So do share it with me!


It is not a big blog that I would need a conclusion section but since it is my first one I think I should just reiterate important bullet points. 
  • Connect with me here
  • why blog: To improve articulation skills and To document thoughts in a more accessible way
  • inspiration courtesy: Ali Abdaal
  • Topics: Coming soon...
Thank you for reading! Don't forget to follow me here, it will help alot. I'll see you in the next blog. Happy reading! 



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